Friday, January 30, 2015

Hurry up, Hurry up, Hurry up, wait!

That’s my term for “army time.”  Everything must be done RIGHT NOW.  But things can’t be done until something else is done.  It’s a hole-in-the-bucket situation.  (Google Harry Belafonte if you don’t know that one.

Yesterday’s adventure including filling out passport applications for myself and the four boys.
Or course we can’t do anything with the paperwork until ZD gets a letter giving us authorization to get no charge, quick turn around passports.
He won’t get a letter until he attends his levy brief.
He won’t get an appointment for the levy brief until he gets actual orders.
He won’t get orders until G-1 cuts them.
G-1, ZD, and the rest of the unit are busy planning a huge thing this summer.  And ZD’s boss is less than thrilled about ZD cutting out before the big thing happens.  So he’s not trying to be helpful at all.


But at least the paperwork is completed.

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